Late Start Plan
Utilized for inclement weather or emergencies only.
A late start in the Holden R-III School District will be announced as early as possible and communicated to parents in the same manner as a school cancellation.
The Holden R-III School District respects the rights of parents to make decisions regarding the attendance, or late arrival, of their children on a late start day.
Bus transportation pick-up times for students and families will occur two hours later than normal. Buses will make every effort to be punctual, although traffic and road conditions may increase travel times.
All schools will open doors for students’ arrival at 9:45 a.m.
All schools will begin at 10:00 a.m. and proceed on an altered class schedule.
School dismissal times and afternoon bus transportation will remain on the regular schedule.
School breakfast will not be served on a late start day.
Lunch shifts in all buildings will occur at the same time as a normal school day.
The afternoon meal will be served as normal.
The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) morning session will be canceled. Afternoon ECSE class will resume on a normal schedule.
Warrensburg Area Career Center and Summit Tech students will attend class as normal unless the Warrensburg or Lee’s Summit school districts are canceled or delayed.
The Day Plus and Eagles Nest Programs will operate on a normal schedule.
Activities or field trips that were to occur or have departure times after 10:00 a.m. will occur as normal.
Activities or field trips that were to occur or have departure times prior to 10:00 a.m. will be canceled or rescheduled.