Starting the Process
Welcome to Holden - we're glad you're here!
If you are enrolling before the school year, please complete registration at the following link: https://mocloud4.infinitecampus.org/campus/OLRLogin/holden?configGroupID=3
If you are enrolling during the school year, please begin at the building they will attend.
We have 3 schools:
Holden Elementary - Preschool-5th grade
1903 S Market (816) 732-6071
Holden Middle School - 6th through 8th grades
301 Eagle Drive (816) 732-4125
Holden High School - 9th through 12th grades
1901 S Main (816) 732-5523
Items you will need to bring to aid in enrollment:
- two proofs of residency (current utility bill such as gas/electric/water or lease/mortgage agreement)
- student's birth certificate
- student's immunization record
Once residency is verified, a request will be sent to the previous school for the cumulative student file. (This may take from 1 to 3 days, or longer in the case of a school break, for those records to be transferred). At the high school level, the student and parent will meet with a Counselor to determine a schedule after the records have been received.
Items to Bring
Residency Forms
Virtual Course Enrollment
Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP)
MOCAP's mission is to offer Missouri students equal access to a wide range of high quality courses, flexibility in scheduling, and interactive online learning. Students will be able to take an entire course from any internet-connected computer, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the State Board of Education oversee administration and quality assurance activities such as related content and delivery of courses. https://mocap.mo.gov/
The virtual/online programs below are not affiliated with Holden R-III School District. If you are interested in one of these virtual opportunities for your student, you will need to contact the provider of your choice and ask them to send our district a request for records to be withdrawn from Holden R-III. Alternatively, you may complete a homeschooling form or notify Holden R-III in writing of your intent to homeschool to be withdrawn from the district and then contact the virtual/online program in which you would like to enroll your child.
Courseware Providers:
Accelerate Education https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/accelerate.html (850) 519-2503 |
Launch https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/launch.html (417) 523-0417 |
Acellus Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/acellus.html (816) 622-5000 |
Missouri Connections Academy-MOCAS https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/missouri-connections-academy-sturgeon.html (417) 413-5347 |
At Home Virtual Program https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/at-home-virtual-program.html (314) 467-7845 |
Missouri Digital Academy-MODA https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/missouri-digital-academy-laquey.html (314) 806-2199 |
EdisonLearning https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/edison.html (412) 863-4346 |
Missouri Virtual Academy-MOVA https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/MOVA.html (314) 806-2199 |
Edmentum https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/edmentum.html (952) 832-1196 |
Mizzou Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/mu.html (855) 256-4975 |
eDynamic Learning https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/edynamic-learning.html (877) 585-2029 |
Imagine Odysseyware https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/odysseyware.html (405) 530-3307 |
EYC Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/eyc-academy.html (636) 220-3344 |
R7 Online Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/r7online-academy.html (816) 986-1005 |
Greenways Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/greenways.html (314) 432-7534 |
SJSD Virtual Academy https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/sjsd.html (816) 671-4011 |
Imagine Edgenuity https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/edgenuity.html (405) 520-3007 |
SchoolsPLP https://mocap.mo.gov/catalog/plp.html (800) 484-3061 |
NCAA/NAIA Eligibility
NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Information for Prospective Student Athletes
The student who hopes to participate in NCAA inter-collegiate athletics must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center during her/his junior year in high school.
Students wishing to participate in NAIA college athletics should visit the NAIA Eligibility Center during her/his junior year in high school.