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Student Performance

Goal 1: The % of students scoring at or above the proficient level on state ELA and Math assessments or approved internal assessments will increase annually to meet or exceed the annual "on track" MSIP target for all students and subgroups.

Action Plan 1A: Revise Grade Level and Course Curriculum

  • Ensure district Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) align with state priority standards in each grade level and course.

  • Develop a curriculum development and revisions calendar.
  • Ensure district curriculum demonstrates external alignment to state standards and internal alignment between grade levels and courses.
  • Develop Units of Instruction (UOIs) in a format that can be shared by all teachers.
  • Determine the resources to be used at each grade level or course.
  • Provide professional development for implementation or resources and for implementing new instructional strategies.

Action Plan 1B: Continue to Implement a Process for Conducting Fidelity Checks of Classroom Instruction and Assessments

  • Implement fidelity checks of classroom instruction and assessments according to the determined process.

Action Plan 1C: Analyze Current District Performance Data in Meeting State and District Standards

  • Analyze state performance data and compare performance to state results.
  • Conduct analysis of district benchmark assessments by standards to set SMART goals and to monitor and adjust instruction.
  • Identify students needing additional supports and interventions and provide targeted instructional practices to advance those students.
  • Update the current district assessment plan including how the data from each assessment it utilized, who uses the data, who received that data, and how often the assessment is given.

Action Plan 1D: Implement Plans to Address the Student Achievement Regression During the Summer Break

  • Analyze student needs for summer programs based on local assessments and implement appropriate programs or courses.

Action Plan 1E: Implement Plans to Address Early Learning

  • Partner with community preschool programs to create a high standard for early learning that align to the Missouri Early Learning Standards.
  • Investigate expansion of early learning programs such as Head Start and Parents as Teachers.
  • Review early learning screening, processes, and assessment data for identifying students needing services.

Action Plan 1F: Implement Plans to Address Gifted Learners

  • Analyze the results of the recent updates to the current screening process for gifted learners and revise as necessary.

Action Plan 1G: Implement Plans to Address Literacy Legislation

  • A staff member will become an on-site LETRS trainer and provide training to all K-5 teachers.
  • Holden Elementary will create Reading Success Plans (RSP) for all students one or more grade levels below, or who qualify according to the RSP grade-level essential skill inventory. This will be determined by the beginning of the year iReady diagnostic assessment.
  • Develop a communication process for parents and teacher regarding RSPs.
  • Develop a District Literacy Plan.
  • Determine if the current instructional materials meet DESE identified criteria.

Goal 2: The district will implement college and career readiness programs that reflect the needs of our students.

Action Plan 2A: Evaluate Campus Programs

  • Evaluate data to determine if current programming is relevant to student needs.
  • Investigate expanding or restructuring current programming to increase opportunities for student industry recognized credentials, post-secondary opportunities, or marketable skills.
  • Implement programs to ensure students develop appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
  • Review grading philosophy and practices to ensure appropriate preparation for post-high school opportunities.

Action Plan 2B: Review Technical School Opportunities

  • Evaluate technical school options that provide relevant credentialed and/or post-secondary opportunities for our students.
  • Evaluate the district fiscal responsibility for technical school opportunities.

Goal 3: The district will implement alternative education programs to meet the needs of our students.

Action Plan 3A: Review Existing Alternative Education Programs

  • Examine data and success rates for current programs used in grades 6-12 for at-risk students.
  • Visit regional external at-risk programs and review their processes, programs, and success rates.

Action Plan 3B: Evaluate the Need and Potentially Implement a Full-scale Alternative Education Program in the District

  • Examine student data to determine the number of at-risk students who may benefit from a district alternative education program.
  • Review financial responsibility of implementing alternative education programs.
  • Investigate the interest and needs of regional districts to serve out-of-district students in a district alternative education program.
  • Study successful at-risk schools and determine the appropriate types of programs that will meet the needs of students enrolling in a full-scale alternative education program.