District Wellness
The Holden R-III School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, wellness and ability to learn by supporting behaviors that include healthy eating and physical activity. “Wellness” is an interactive process of becoming aware of and practicing choices to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle, which includes but is not limited to nutrition, nutrition education, physical activity and physical education.
If you are interested in learning more or participating in the district's wellness program, please contact our Activities Director/Wellness Coordinator at the high school at 816-732-5523.
Every three years, our wellness policies are assessed to evaluate alignment with model policy to help strengthen our goal of promoting and protecting children's health and wellness.
Evaluative Tool Used: Wellness School Assessment Tool (WellSAT)
Completed By: District Wellness Committee
- Total Comprehensiveness: 100
- Total Strength: 78