Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases, Acute Infectious Disease, and Procedures
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Where there is reasonable cause to believe that a student enrolled in the District has a communicable disease, the parent, parents, guardian, or other custodian must respond to such request and furnish to appropriate school officials a report from a physician who has examined such students subsequent to the District's request. If no physician's report is provided, a decision will made on exclusion from school and/or referral to the Johnson County Health Department.
Any outbreak of communicable disease will be reported to the local health authority immediately, including even a single case of vaccine-preventable disease. Appropriate outbreak control measures will be implemented in accordance with the State laws and rules governing disease control (RSMo 167.191, 13 CSR 50-101.010 through 50-101.090 and 50-110.010).
ACUTE INFECTIOUS DISEASE (Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox, Flu, etc.) Students suffering from or liable to transmit an acute infectious disease must be excluded from school. Students who are excluded from school for an acute infectious disease may return, with physician approval, after the number of days specified in the current "Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease-A Guide for school Administrators"-MCH 16. If that period of time has not lapsed or if the student needs laboratory proof regarding noncommunicable status, a physician must submit approval in writing before readmission to school.
CHRONIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES (AIDS, Hepatitis, Herpes, etc.) Because of the risk of transmission of these diseases in the school in the least restrictive environment, decisions regarding the type of educational setting for any student with a chronic infectious disease or a student at risk of having a chronic infectious disease should be based on the behavior, neurologic development and physical condition of the student and the expected type of interaction with others in that setting. These decisions are made using the team approach. In each case, risks and benefits to both the infected child and to others in the setting should be weighed.
PROCEDURES To reduce the possibility of transmitting any infection, the District has routine procedures for handling blood or body fluids (urine, stool, vomitus). These procedures shall be posted in all buildings.
Persons involved in the care and education of students with these communicable diseases should respect the student's right to privacy, including maintaining confidential records. Only those persons who have a need to know (in order to assure proper care and to detect potential for disease transmission) should be advised.
All medication MUST be transported to and from school by parents and/or an adult. NO medication (prescription or OTC) can be transported on District school buses unless explicitly authorized in accordance with Board policy JHCD. This policy has been placed in effect to provide a safer environment for students and to insure that medications are not received by the wrong individuals. No medication will be stored in health rooms longer than a five day period. Any medications not picked up will be destroyed.
All students in grades K-12 must have verification and medical forms on file with the office. The student’s enrollment will not be complete until the forms are on file. Students not in compliance by the end of the 5th school day will be suspended until the forms are completed and on file.
All students requiring stitches, surgery, broken bones, etc. must have a current physician's release on file prior to returning to school.
School-wide head checks for head lice will be conducted at the beginning of the school year and randomly as needed.