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ParentSquare (PSQ) is the platform Holden R-3 uses for classroom, club, and team communication. 

PSQ automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using your preferred email address and phone number that is in our student database, Infinite Campus (IC). We highly encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.

ParentSquare allows you to: 

  • Receive messages from your school and our District via email, text or app notification
  • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once in a nightly digest
  • Read messages in your preferred language

To register, go to and enter the email address you have on file with the district.

If you need to change the email address we have on file for you, you can submit a request through ParentSquare or contact your child's school office so our database can be updated.

  • Holden Elementary (816) 732-6071
  • Holden Middle (816) 732-4125
  • Holden High (816) 732-5523

You can continue to access ParentSquare through an internet browser, or download the app. Scan below to be taken to the appropriate app store.

Scannable QR code for android version of the ParentSquare app
Scannable QR code for apple version of the ParentSquare app

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