Teacher Impact Grants
Holden R-III Foundation Teacher Grants
Time to Apply for the Holden R-III Foundation Teacher Impact Grants!
Deadline: Date will be announced in Staff email from District Office
All proposals must be typed and approved by your building principal. Please return completed applications to Patty Raker at Central Office.
Grants will be awarded at the beginning of the school year.
For questions, email the Holden R-III Foundation at foundation@holdenschools.org
Teacher Grant Application
HSF TIG Application
Holden Foundation Grant Scoring Rubric
Teacher Grant Follow-up Form
Grant funds are available each year to Holden R-III teachers. These funds may be awarded in the form of a single grant or may be split between more than one proposal. Due to the continued support of the Holden R-III staff and community, the Holden R-III Foundation has been able to fund over $77,000 in grants since the program began in 2006. During the 2019-20 school year, over $9,000 was awarded.
You, as a teacher, may be saying, "My students could learn so much more if only I had the extra money to..." Well, here is the opportunity you've been waiting for! The Holden R-III Foundation Board is looking for teachers with innovative ideas to enhance instruction and expand the curriculum. Be creative! We strongly encourage all teachers to apply! Applications may be completed individually or as a teaching team.
Funds may be used for supplementary instructional materials and equipment, books (other than textbooks), audio-visual materials, computer software, field trips or speakers directly related to the curriculum, and other materials necessary for the project to be implemented. If partial funding of the project is acceptable, please note it on the application and specify what may or may not be funded.
Grant proposals will be scored using the Teacher Impact Grant Scoring Rubric. Please review the rubric as you write your grant proposal. Once awarded, grant funds will be transferred from the Holden R-III Foundation to the school district and all expenditures will be made following district accounting practices. All funds for the grants must be expended by the end of the school term in which the grant was awarded. At the end of the project period, recipients are asked to complete the evaluation form for your project that is attached to this site.
Recipients will also be expected to acknowledge TIG Grant Level Donators wih a thank you note via email/mail, and give updates mid-year and end of the year (via Foundation newsletter or personal notes). Recipients may also be asked to help with community awareness through participation on a Foundation Homecoming Float, presentation at a Chamber After Hours evening event, or presentation at the co-sponsored HSF/HEA end of the school year banquet.