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Eagles Nest Preschool - Call to ask about FREE preschool! (816) 732-6071

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News & Events


The mission for Holden R-III School District is for all students, upon graduation, to have marketable skills or the basis to be eligible for post-secondary educational opportunities. 


  • Foster positive relationships with students, parents, co-workers, and the community.
  • Maintain high expectations, and use data to measure achievement.
  • Interpret data to guide instruction and practices.
  • Commit to grow professionally to meet the needs of yourself and others.

Communication Expectations

Our district strives to communicate from the inside out. As the saying goes, “go to the source.” We encourage our parents and community to do the same - start with the person closest to the topic, issue, concern and then, if you need to ask further questions or get more clarification, move to the next level. Social media is never our first place to communicate important information to parents - we work to contact parents directly - phone, text, or email first. We’d encourage parents and community members to do the same.

I have a question/concern/suggestion….where do I start?
First Contact: Your student’s teacher
Access phone numbers and email addresses in our District Directory
If your concern impacts the safety of our students and staff, please call the building principal directly (see below) and/or the Police Department.

  • HES: Sarah Burks, Principal (816) 732-6071
  • HMS: Kyle Stoecklein, Principal (816) 732-4125
  • HHS: Grant Guevel Principal (816) 732-5523

Visitor Expectations

School Closing Notifications

We take this opportunity to inform parents of the procedure used in the dismissal of school due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Many factors are considered when determining to close, including temperature, road conditions,  staffing shortages, or facility issues, with student and staff safety being a top priority. Closings are announced using the following avenues:

TEXT - An SMS message will be sent to all Holden R-3 families who subscribe to text notifications
PHONE - A recorded message will be sent to all Holden R-3 families
EMAIL - An electronic message will be sent to all Holden R-3 families who have an email on file with our office
DIGITAL SIGN - A message will be added to the digital marquee at Eagle Drive & Main
SOCIAL MEDIA - Holden R-3 Schools Facebook & Instagram accounts
TV - WDAF (Channel 4), KCTV (Channel 5), KMBC (Channel 9), KSHB (Channel 41)

LATE START PLAN: At times, during winter weather, a delayed start to the school day may allow us to go ahead with instruction once the temperature has warmed or roads have been cleared, lifting any safety concerns for staff and students.

Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan:  On days when inclement weather or emergencies keep students from coming to school, we may use our Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)-approved Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan.